
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Being Lost in Waikato Forest

In class We are reading hatchet We are learning to summrise our recounts in our writing We are learning to use and understand words we dont know you ask a teacher or a year 8 to help you do the words you dont know You can ask your mates or your friends to spell words you dont know.

Manas Novel Response

Introduction:Book name:Hatchet novel response Mana 

In class I have being reading a book hatchet The author is Gary Paulsen The Text Type is Fiction 

In the story brian eats all the berries and he got sick on the bush berries in the forest then he crashed. That's how he got in the forest by crashing in the bush. He found fish in the lake He got he fish out with his bare hands

Main event 1

It was a freezing night in hatchet he made a fire for himself so he does not get freezing cold He got wood to make his fire shelter he found foolish birds  

 Main event 2 He was exhausted , hungry , hurting but he had something close to a place to live again , a place to be. 

Ending I think reading is finding out that he had wood to make the hot fire and that he found the foolish birds fooling around.